MEET MANOUSH #2: the Tipping Point
Posted 15 juni 2020 in Okategoriserade
In its last Quarter ISAB reported a 722% increase in revenues compared to the same time last year. How will it keep up the momentum? CEO Manoush Masarrat…
Read morePosted 15 juni 2020 in Okategoriserade
In its last Quarter ISAB reported a 722% increase in revenues compared to the same time last year. How will it keep up the momentum? CEO Manoush Masarrat…
Read morePosted 05 juni 2020 in Okategoriserade
Will Coronavirus have any long-term impact on ISAB? Is ISAB currently carrying out any Contract Research on Coronavirus? Will there be a ’new normal’ in the inhalation research…
Read morePosted 29 mars 2020 in Okategoriserade
Inhalation Sciences recently shipped two newly commercialized DissolvIt® units to two customers—in just one week. What are the new and optimized features in this final market version that help…
Read morePosted 04 december 2019 in Okategoriserade
Den 16:e september tillträdde Manoush Masarrat som ny VD på Inhalation Sciences Sweden AB. Med 15 års erfarenhet av ledande positioner inom MedTech och 10 månader som ISAB-styrelseledamot,…
Read morePosted 03 december 2019 in Okategoriserade
On 16th September Manoush Masarrat stepped up as new CEO of Inhalation Sciences. With 15 years’ Medtech leadership experience and 10 months as an ISAB Board member, how…
Read morePosted 21 november 2019 in Okategoriserade
ISAB’s new nebulizer feature delivers the stability, precision and control of a dry powder aerosol—from a liquid solution. Developed by popular demand, four nebulizer modules have already been…
Read morePosted 24 oktober 2019 in Okategoriserade
From Austria to Sweden to California to the UK: October has been an intensive month for PreciseInhale®, ISAB’s flagship product. It has been spotlighted by senior ISAB clients…
Read morePosted 24 oktober 2019 in Okategoriserade
From Austria to Sweden to California to the UK: October has been an intensive month for PreciseInhale® , ISAB’s flagship product. It has been spotlighted by senior ISAB…
Read morePosted 24 oktober 2019 in Okategoriserade
From Austria to Sweden to California to the UK: October has been an intensive month for PreciseInhale®, ISAB’s flagship product. It has been spotlighted by senior ISAB clients…
Read morePosted 14 juni 2019 in Okategoriserade
ISAB is co-sponsoring a Special Summit “How to succeed with the FDA”, headlined by US regulatory pharma expert Dr Ann Rose, CEO of ViCRO. ISAB Chairman Fredrik Sjövall…
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