Our customers

Our customers are proven pioneers. Click right to hear how PreciseInhale® helps them.

King’s College London Professor Ben Forbes describes how PreciseInhale® helps his team get better, more relevant results.

Karolinska Institutet Assoc. Professor Lena Palmberg explains how PreciseInhale® can mimic particles in the lungs so closely.

Karolinska Institutet Assistant Professor Swapna Upadahyay emphasizes precision dosing, explaining how the system can dose even nanoparticles precisely.


  • Chiesi is one of Italy's leading pharmaceutical companies, and a major developer of inhalation products. Chiesi uses PreciseInhale® to characterize the pharmacokinetic properties of Drug Candidates in the early stages of developing drugs.
  • Karolinska Institutet is highly successful in the field of environmental research. It uses PreciseInhale® to expose cells for, E.g. nanoparticles, in its research into new types of airborne pollutants.
  • King's College London is a prestigious university widely considered a leader in inhalation research. Professor Ben Forbes's research team at the University’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Science uses PreciseInhale® to help maintain their position as pioneers in the field.
  • Fraunhofer ITEM (Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine) is one of the world's leading institutes in environmental research. Fraunhofer ITEM uses PreciseInhale®, among other technologies, to perform high-quality cell exposures.
  • Dow chemicals is one of the world's largest chemical groups. Dow continuously works to understand, measure and map any health risks associated with new types of material, PreciseInhale® is an important tool in this work.