PreciseInhale® spotlighted by researchers at 4 major industry events
From Austria to Sweden to California to the UK: October has been an intensive month for PreciseInhale® , ISAB’s flagship product. It has been spotlighted by senior ISAB clients such as Fraunhofer ITEM at four global industry events. “Customers of this calibre sharing the findings they’re achieving really underlines the strategic value we deliver” says ISAB CEO Manoush Masarrat.
PreciseInhale® has been presented at four different inhalation events in October, each time by clients showcasing specific benefits and findings they got from the system. “The range of events illustrates how broad and deep its strategic value is” says ISAB CEO Manoush Masarrat “whether you’re working in inhaled pharma or tox, PreciseInhale® can be tailored to deliver extra precision and capabilities that will really differentiate your research”.
Event One: MVIS (Medical Valley Inhalation Symposium) 2019, the Medicon Valley Inhalation Consortium, Lund, Sweden, Oct 9-10
ISAB sponsored and exhibited at this event. A senior research scientist at one of ISAB’s major pharma clients presented detailed PK findings from inhaled research on large mammals – clearly describing how the research was carried out with PreciseInhale® . ISAB CEO Manoush Masarrat: “With PreciseInhale® currently in preparation for clinical use, this presentation was extremely relevant. It showed the need for achieving our distinctive precision all the way from preclinical research—to clinical work as well.”
Event Two: 19th EUSAAT 19 (19th Annual Congress of the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments), University of Linz, Austria 10 – 13 October
Fraunhofer ITEM researchers Nico Sonnenschein and Leroy Elenschneider delivered a lecture and poster on new applications of inhaled antibiotics (1) at EUSAAT that included details of ISAB’s PreciseInhale® aerosol generator and an ALI (Air Liquid Interface) in vitro cell exposure module requiring no animal testing.
Event Three: 3rd Aerosol Dosimetry Conference, Inhaled Aerosol Dosimetry: Models, Applications and Impact, Irvine, California, Oct 10-12
ISAB’s CSO Assoc Prof Per Gerde presented a well-received lecture at the event (2) The lecture described how PreciseInhale® exposes a range of both in vitro and in vivo modules to exactly the same aerosol—producing voluminous comparative data, reducing translational errors and increasing IVIVC.
Fraunhofer ITEM scientists Detlef Ritter and Katharina Schwarz gave two back-to-back presentations (3) that also showed PreciseInhale® ’s in vitro and ex vivo capabilities, as well as describing how the one-animal-at-a-time system produces data from extremely small amounts of test substance.
Event Four: AIT 2019, (Annual Conference for the Association of Inhalation Toxicologists), Brighton, UK, Oct 14-16
ISAB’s Stand was well-attended at this milestone event in the international inhaled toxicology community. This year saw a presentation from a research team at one of ISAB’s largest inhaled pharma clients on how they had delivered inhaled therapies to larger mammals. The presentation included a detailed slide illustrating Inhalation Sciences’ unique “inhalation switchboard”. This is the complete range of modules PreciseInhale® can expose its aerosols to, including in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo.
Manoush Masarrat: “It’s great to see PreciseInhale® getting this kind of widespread scientific recognition. From 3R capabilities that reduce the number of animals needed in research – to running extensive tests from tiny amounts of test substance – to generating predictive preclinical data from the same aerosol across different exposure modules – all these are being highlighted. We’re confident this will continue to lead to growing awareness, sales and Contract Research.”
ISAB SILVER SPONSORS at DDL, Edinburgh December 11-13
The highlight of the year for so many inhalation scientists worldwide, Inhalation Scientists are proud to be Silver sponsors of DDL 2019 (Drug Delivery to the Lungs Conference) in Edinburgh, Scotland.
CEO Manoush Masarrat, CSO Per Gerde, and Product and Sales Manager Mikael Mikko will attend.
1. Apparent permeability coefficients of ciprofloxacin in human lung epithelial cells according to predictable bioavailability after inhalation exposure’.
2. In Vitro to In Vivo extrapolation of inhalables: Same aerosol, same dose, same outcome?
3. A complementary in vitro / ex vivo inhalation model for prediction of acute local and physiological respiratory effects of inhalable aerosols