New poster, new data, new solutions: Join ISAB at RDD 2018
Meet Mikael Mikko and Mattias Nowenwik, our aerosol generation experts at RDD 2018, April 22-26, Tucson Arizona. Whatever your challenge Mikael and Mattias can offer insight, experience and inspiration. Find out all about their must-sees for the event, and the new ISAB poster.
How can you improve your Particle Size Distribution? Get predictive IVIVC data early on? Avoid agglomeration? Or run tests from dry powder and nebulized solutions—using the same platform?
Whatever your aerosol or preclinical lung research agenda, Mikael Mikko and Mattias Nowenwik can provide new insights. Mikael Mikko (ISAB Product and Sales Manager: “RDD is special. It’s a fantastic opportunity to hear what’s new both technologically and medically. We’re meeting clients, and look forward to share new ideas and techniques with our peers in the field.”
Mattias Nowenwik (ISAB Analytical Chemist): “In our new poster we compare the profiles from particles deposited with the NGI (New Generation Impactor) and the PreciseInhale® generator respectively. It was written by ISAB’s Director of Projects Maria Malmlöf in collaboration with our long-term clients Hovione. There are two dedicated poster sessions, visitors should look for Poster 49.”
Our experts’ recommended must-sees
Mikael Mikko: “I’m looking forward to 3M Drug Delivery Systems’ presentation on their Intelligent Control Inhaler Platform. It’s an exciting technology which is impressive and fascinating. Like Inhalation Sciences, 3M focus on precision dosing — so that’s going to be interesting.”
Mattias Nowenwik: “Lonza Pharma & Biotech’s session (Expanding the OINDP Portfolio Through Particle Engineering) looks exciting. We follow particle engineering development closely and Lonza look like they’re doing exciting things here.”
Monday, April 23, 11:30 AM–2:30 PM and 5:00–7:00 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 11:30 AM–2:30 PM and 5:00–7:00 PM
Book a meeting with Mikael and Mattias here.