Inhalation Sciences drives commercialization with new recruitment and reorganisation

  • 18 januari, 2018
  • 12:01

Inhalation Sciences (ISAB) has recruited a new Product Engineer as part of ongoing commercialization. KTH Royal Institute of Technology graduate Joel Mared joins the lab team in Stockholm. A new reorganization also commits new resources to commercialization and overall project management.

Joel Mared (B.Sc. Medical Technology and Physics) has joined ISAB’s lab team to help with installations, service and maintenance of new systems as the company expands during commercialization.

The recruitment is part of a new reorganization. A new role, Commercialization Manager, has been created, filled by ISAB’s Tom Sundelin. With over 20 years’ experience in Life Sciences, Tom has extensive experience in helping smaller European and Scandinavian companies commercialize on a global level.

ISAB’s current in vitro studies manager, Maria Malmlöf, becomes Director of Projects. Maria has been key to the evolution of ISAB’s in vitro dissolution system DissolvIt ®. As ISAB’s project director her experience will guide ongoing customer research projects. Additionally, Product and Sales Manager Mikael Mikko returns from paternity leave to further strengthen the focus on sales and marketing and to continue developing ISAB products and features such as accessories and disposables.

CEO Fredrik Sjövall: “Our new team and new roles gives us the kind of strength, speed and agility we need both to seize new opportunities and deliver new systems as they arise, and keep driving forward the research that’s so crucial to our ongoing innovation and reputation for excellence.”